Shrink wrap
A versatile packaging material that forms a durable protective shell. It is used for packaging single or disparate cargoes; depending on the characteristics – for food, bulky and heavy items, goods with their own factory packaging, agricultural needs, construction, etc.
The shrink film perfectly protects the cargo from dust, moisture, mechanical damage and ultraviolet rays, practically without increasing its weight and volume. The shrink film can be single-layer and multi-layer. They differ in the production method. We also offer color shrink wrap (black, blue, white) colors.
According to the release form, it is presented in the following versions:
The canvas
It is a polymer coating of a certain size, on which there are no seams.
Half Sleeve
this is a sleeve that was cut lengthwise on one side.
Sleeve with folds
It looks like a long or short tube with internal pockets to increase its circumference.
It looks like a long or short pipe.

Custom size range: thickness from 30mkr to 200mkr
Half Sleeve
Width of one side up to 2800mm (5600 mm in the U-turn)
The canvas
Width from 250 mm to 2800 mm
Sleeve with folds
The width of one side is up to 1500 mm (fold 700mm*2) in a turn of 5800mm
The width of one side is up to 2800mm (5600 mm in the U-turn)
The scope of application of the shrink film:
Single coverage
It is used for food products and single industrial goods when it is necessary to maintain their presentable appearance
Allows you to create a kind of transparent plastic container for the same type of cargo
Packaging is necessary when it is necessary to secure products on pallets
When forming any shell, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the cargo and the properties of the packaging material. All products are certified by ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Eurasian Economic Union declaration of conformity.